
Gray’s were appointed to provide marketing support for the ever-popular Derry Halloween campaign in 2021.

The magnitude of this campaign meant our work began in the summer season, with aspirations to reach those in the Republic of Ireland and further afield. Gray’s were asked to produce a launch video that showcased the characters and places featured in the Derry Halloween festival.

In addition, Gray’s provided support on social media content, digital ads, broadcast promotion, PR support, signage, community engagement and out-of-home advertising.


Derry Halloween was one of the first major post-pandemic events, meaning that understanding the audiences’ sensitivities, alongside community engagement organisation, was crucial. It was also important to oversee the ever changing COVID-19 protocols while communicating this information accordingly in all forms of production and content.


Following extensive research into the characters that had been developed, we designed and produced a launch video that magnified their unique personalities and corresponding landmarks. The Samhain underworld came to life with state-of-the-art equipment, detailed CGI, lighting effects and professional actors. From the full-length production, a 30-second TV advert was also created and broadcast on UTV.

Photography and social media content were gathered alongside video production, ensuring cohesion. A separate storyboard for social media content was created for each character, providing audiences with sneak peeks at upcoming content. Each character was also provided with a tailored script for radio adverts that ran on iRadio, Highland Radio and Q Radio.

The Festival covered four major zones across Derry and Donegal, featuring one-of-a-kind installations. Our team successfully covered all areas during the festival with live-on-location content, and A-list influencers were also secured to increase awareness further.


  • Festival

    90,000 people attended the festival

  • Media

    Hard print reach peaked at 286,000
    Online reach peaked at 74 million

  • Launch Video

    74, 655 Reach
    10, 605 Engagements

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